
Thoughts on Android Phones

Before October of 2008 the Android phones were not available for customers to purchase. The Android phones are powered by a Linux based operating system that is designed for the use on touchscreen devices like smartphones and computer tablets.

The concept for Jiayu JY-G3 andriod phone was hatched by Android, Inc. Google backed this company in their research and development phase and later they purchased the system. Google revealed their operating system in 2007 at the same time that the open handset alliance was begun.

The Open Handset Alliance is a consortium of companies that develop things like computer hardware, software applications and even telecommunication. The alliance was developed in hopes of advancing open standards for all mobile devices created.

The operating system that is used in the JIAYU G4 Basic Android Phone is currently the most widely used platform by any company that wishes to develop a device that is low cost and yet high tech. During the third quarter of 2012 there were reportedly five hundred million devices using this operating system that were activated. More than one million new devices are activated each day.

The devices that use this operating system are generally powered by batteries. They are designed to use as little power as possible. A desk top computer that would work on the same principles as these devices consumes three times the amount of power because they have a steady supply from the main current of the building they are in.

One of the beauties of this JIAYU JY G2 Smartphone operating system is the way it handles the apps. When an app is not being used the operating system holds it suspended in the memory until it is needed again. Technically the app is still open; it is just taking a nap until such time that is called upon to perform its duties. This system keeps the apps from having to be reopened from scratch every time they are wanted and that means they use far less power to operate.

When the power supply to the device begins to run low it will automatically begin to kill apps in order to conserve energy. JIAYU JY G4 Android Phone will start with the apps that have gone unused for the longest amount of time. This will allow it to remain enough power for basic operations for a longer period of time. The device will try and retain the most commonly used features for as long as it can.

